Author's Corner

Engross yourself in the soul-stirring narratives of literary maestros. Delve into the “Author’s Corner” to uncover the compelling autobiographies of some renowned writers and poets. Experience their profound impact on the literary realm and draw inspiration from their timeless words, intricately woven into a collection of insightful and thought-provoking quotes.


John Keats The Greatest Romantic Poet


John Keats is widely regarded as one of the greatest romantic poets of all time. His works are recognized for ...

Sigmund Freud Quotes : from the Master of Psychoanalysis 


Sigmund Freud is perhaps the most popular name in psychology and also the most controversial.  Dr Sigmund was an Austrian ...

Pablo Neruda Love Quotes and Poems

Pablo Neruda Love Quotes and Poems


Biography Pablo Neruda Poet  1. Pablo Neruda, Nobel Laureate, was one of many twentieth century poets in Chile and was ...

21 best quotes of charles dickens on love and life

21 Best Quotes of Charles Dickens on Love and Life


Who was Charles Dickens Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, a place dominated by dockyards. Charles ...


21 Best William Shakespeare Quotes


Shakespeare the Greatest Writer in the World Literature William Shakespeare (1564-1616), considered the greatest writer in world literature,  was born ...

21 Dale Carnegie Quotes to Inspire, Motivate and Empower You

21 Dale Carnegie Quotes to Inspire, Motivate and Empower You


Dale Carnegie (Dale Breckenridge Carnegie) who was born in November 1888 and died in November 1955 was an famous American ...