When Times Get Hard

These are abnormal times the likes of which we have not seen in decades or perhaps half a century. When time gets hard it is therefore natural that people are feeling confused, restless and there is fear all around. Everywhere you turn your attention the news is of despair and gloom. When will all this stop and when will be normal is what everyone is thinking about right now.
Stay Home Stay Safe During Covid 19

The corona virus or covid19 as they say (China Virus for some) is to be taken very seriously there is not doubt about that. It is necessary that we take utmost precautions and the best way it to stay home, stay protected, be safe and observe social distancing big time as that is the best protection right now.
Be Positive and Optimistic

It is hard to stay sane and positive in these difficult stressful times but staying positive is what is required and is the most important thing to do right now. We are all so busy in our daily life in this mad rush of life’s struggle. But today our life has come to a grinding halt. This is a time to pause and reflect on ourselves. This is an opportunity to focus on many things that we had no time until now. This feeling is liberating to some extent.
What is This Life if Full of Care

The words from the beautiful poem of the great Poet Wordsworth comes to mind. What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
Stress Relief Activities

This is a time to invest in oneself as we have more time in our hands now. We can now focus on ourselves, to take advantage of that extra time and try to become a better person for our family, our friends and society at large. We can do activities that are stress reducing and enriching. There are host of things we can do. We can be kind and generous and do some random acts of kindness.
Reasons why Exercise is Important

The most important thing however would be to stay healthy, do exercises, especially breathing exercises so that even if we are affected our lungs are strong enough that there is no need for ventilators.
After Every Storm comes a Rainbow

After every darkness there is light, after every dark clouds there is silver lining in the horizon and rays of sunshine peep through bringing smile and hope. This period of uncertainty will not last forever and this we are all very sure of.